OpoWX Test Lab - ooooh the Test Lab? (translation - Toy Box !!)
Field: | Pos: | Example: | Description: | Webtag: | Data: |
date | 0 | 19/08/14 | date (always dd/mm/yy) | <#date> | 10/10/24 |
time | 1 | 16:03:45 | time (always hh:mm:ss) | <#timehhmmss> | 20:03:34 |
temp | 2 | 8.4 | outside temperature | <#temp> | 11.2 |
hum | 3 | 84 | relative humidity | <#hum> | 98 |
dew | 4 | 5.8 | dewpoint | <#dew> | 10.9 |
wspeed | 5 | 24.2 | wind speed (average) | <#wspeed> | 0.0 |
wgust | 6 | 33 | wind speed (gust) | <#wlatest> | 0.0 |
avgbearing | 7 | 261 | wind bearing | <#bearing> | 0 |
rrate | 8 | 0 | current rain rate | <#rrate> | 0.0 |
rfall | 9 | 1 | rain today | <#rfall> | 3.9 |
press | 10 | 999.7 | barometer | <#press> | 1021.1 |
wdir | 11 | W | current wind direction | <#currentwdir> | --- |
beaufort | 12 | 6 | wind speed (beaufort) | <#beaufortnumber> | 0 |
windunit | 13 | km/h | wind units | <#windunit> | km/h |
tempunit | 14 | C | temperature units | <#tempunitnodeg> | C |
pressunit | 15 | hPa | pressure units | <#pressunit> | hPa |
rainunit | 16 | mm | rain units | <#rainunit> | mm |
windrun | 17 | 146.6 | wind run (today) | <#windrun> | 0.0 |
presstrend | 18 | 0.1 | pressure trend value | <#presstrendval> | +0.6 |
rmonth | 19 | 85.2 | monthly rain | <#rmonth> | 71.4 |
ryear | 20 | 588.4 | yearly rain | <#ryear> | 819.3 |
rfallY | 21 | 11.6 | yesterday's rainfall | <#rfallY> | 2.1 |
intemp | 22 | 20.3 | inside temperature | <#intemp> | 20.7 |
inhum | 23 | 57 | inside humidity | <#inhum> | 51 |
wchll | 24 | 3.6 | wind chill | <#wchill> | 11.2 |
temptrendval | 25 | -0.7 | temperature trend value avg over three hours | <#temptrend> | -2.4 |
tempTH | 26 | 10.9 | today's high temp | <#tempTH> | 21.9 |
TtempTH | 27 | 12:00 | time of today's high temp (hh:mm) | <#TtempTH> | 15:28 |
tempTL | 28 | 7.8 | today's low temp | <#tempTL> | 5.0 |
TtempTL | 29 | 14:41 | time of today's low temp (hh:mm) | <#TtempTL> | 06:12 |
windTM | 30 | 37.4 | today's high wind speed (average) | <#windTM> | 0.0 |
TwindTM | 31 | 14:38 | time of today's hi wind (avg) (hh:mm) | <#TwindTM> | 00:00 |
wgustTM | 32 | 44 | today's high wind gust | <#wgustTM> | 0.0 |
TwgustTM | 33 | 14:28 | time of today's high wind gust (hh:mm) | <#TwgustTM> | 00:00 |
pressTH | 34 | 999.8 | today's high pressure | <#pressTH> | 1021.2 |
TpressTH | 35 | 16:01 | time of today's high pressure (hh:mm) | <#TpressTH> | 19:57 |
pressTL | 36 | 998.4 | today's low pressure | <#pressTL> | 1013.9 |
TpressTL | 37 | 12:06 | time of today's low pressure (hh:mm) | <#TpressTL> | 00:00 |
version | 38 | 1.8.7 | Cumulus version | <#version> | 1.9.4 |
build | 39 | 819 | Cumulus build no | <#build> | 10992 |
wgust | 40 | 36 | Recent Max Gust | <#wgust> | 0.0 |
heatindex | 41 | 10.3 | Heat Index | <#heatindex> | 11.2 |
humidex | 42 | 10.5 | Humidex Index | <#humidex> | 12.9 |
UV | 43 | 13 | UV (if you have it) | <#UV> | 0 |
ET | 44 | 0.2 | ET | <#ET> | 0.00 |
SolarRad | 45 | 14 | Solar (if you have it) | <#SolarRad> | 0 |
avgbearing | 46 | 260 | 10-minute average wind bearing (degrees) | <#avgbearing> | 0 |
rhour | 47 | 2.3 | rainfall last hour | <#rhour> | 2.4 |
forecastnumber | 48 | 3 | Current Forecast per strings.ini IF used | <#forecastnumber> | 1 |
isdaylight | 49 | 1 | Flag indicating if it is daylight 1 or night 0 | <#isdaylight> | 0 |
SensorContactLost | 50 | 1 | Fine Offset ONLY - Shows if station lost contact | <#SensorContactLost> | 0 |
WindDir Avg | 51 | NNW | Wind direction Average | <#wdir> | --- |
Cloudbase | 52 | 2040 | Cloudbase value | <#cloudbasevalue> | 37 |
Cloudbase Units | 53 | ft | What units are Cloudbase | <#cloudbaseunit> | m |
AppTemp | 54 | 12.3 | Apparent Temp | <#apptemp> | 11.5 |
SunHrs | 55 | 11.1 | Sunshine Hours if solar | <#SunshineHours> | 0.0 |
MaxSolar | 56 | 420.1 | Current Theoretical Max Solar | <#CurrentSolarMax> | 0 |
SunFlag | 57 | 1 | Sunny Flag 1=yes if solar | <#IsSunny> | 0 |